Police Wives Therapy

Police wives often feel isolated and burdened by the unique challenges of their partner's demanding job. The weight of worry and the feeling of being alone in their struggles can be overwhelming. Therapy provides a safe space to express these feelings, gain support, and connect with someone who understands. Together, we can navigate these challenges and empower you to feel supported and strong.

If you're feeling overwhelmed and anxious about your husband's safety during this stressful election season and the upcoming DNC, I'm here to support you. Let's work together to find your strength and peace.

Group Therapy for Police Wives

Group therapy for police wives offers a supportive environment for those dealing with the challenges of having a law enforcement partner. Many women feel isolated and stressed, so connecting with others who share their experiences is vital. In these sessions, participants share their stories, fostering mutual support under the guidance of a trained therapist. Discussions focus on effective communication, self-care, and stress management. The collective experience validates and encourages women, celebrating their resilience. By participating, police wives can find reassurance and a sense of community that promotes healing and growth.

Virtual Police Wives Group Therapy

Wednesdays 6:30pm-7:45pm CST

Cost is $85/session

For the protection and privacy of everyone involved this is a closed group.

Sign up today to reserve your spot for the next session!